What You Should Know About Dry Scalp Treatment
A dry scalp is a condition that many people suffer from. Many people do not realize that it is a condition requiring treatment. It is therefore necessary to seek treatment options for a healthy and manageable scalp. A dry scalp can result in a low self-esteem due to the problems associated with styling hair and general appearance.
Getting the Right Dry Scalp Treatment
If either of the above conditions is realized then seeking a dry scalp treatment is essential. One of the best ways to treat or get the best treatment for ones condition is by identifying how that specific condition affects the scalp. A different treatment method is required for each condition.
Psoriasis for example is a condition affecting the scalp leaving it dry and itchy. Most people suffering from this condition do not even know that they have it. This condition however, is incurable and rather requires management throughout ones lifetime. This is possible once the condition has been identified and the right products available in the market are used.
How to Identify a Dry Scalp Ailment
As stated earlier, there are some characteristics of a dry scalp that would need to be managed and treated. These characterize themselves in the form of:
Dry scalp
Sores and lumps
If one suspects that they have one of these conditions. It is important to seek the services of a medical practitioners who will confirm if the suspected condition is there after which they are in better position to advice on the best dry scalp treatment to undertake.
Available Treatments for a Dry Scalp
A dry scalp treatment is available over the counter in major drug stores and supermarkets and also in homemade packaging. It is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each product before settling on using it.
Upon visiting a medical practitioner, one is able to get a prescription for the treatment of the condition they are suffering from. The main disadvantage with over the counter products is that they have side effects and are not naturally made. This is unlike the homemade treatments that are natural and with no side effects.
The Hydro-cortisone Cream is one of the very common treatments for a dry scalp as well as other skin problems. For best results, it is recommended to for use once the skin has been washed. Excessive use is not recommended as it thins the skin layer.
A Menthol Spray is also another common treatment for a dry scalp. It soothes the itchiness and an effective treatment method.
The Salicylic Acid is another over the counter treatment for a dry scalp. It aids in removing flakes brought about by the psoriasis condition.
The Coal Tar treatment is available in form of ointments and shampoos. This is very effective in reducing itchiness, inflammation and overgrowing of skin cells.
When suffering from a dry scalp condition moisturizers are a necessity. These are available in the form of lotions, creams and ointments hydrating the affected area.
The treatments mentioned above are recommended for dry scalp treatment and are available over the counter. These are artificial products.
There are also homemade treatments available for a dry scalp condition.
Homemade treatments are natural giving different results among different people. What may work for one person may not necessarily work for another one. The key advantage with these is that they have no side effects and have long lasting effects.
The Vinegar Rinse is a popular homemade dry scalp treatment. This is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. All that is required is to massage the affected area with the vinegar rinse.
Water is not only important in hydrating the body but also as a treatment for a dry scalp condition. The Water Therapy, which is a combination of water, and sea salts, is a very powerful therapeutic scalp treatment. Dermatologists recommend the use of Dead Sea salts to treat most of the skin conditions available.
A dry scalp will also benefit a great deal from essential oils. These need to be massaged onto the affected area. Olive Oil, Calendula Oil and Oregano Oil when combined make a perfect treatment solution.
Nobody should have to suffer from a dry scalp condition. There are very many available treatments. Some natural and others artificial but all aimed at treating the condition and keeping it within manageable levels.
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